Bill 2 5 4 – Invoicing Made Painless And Functions

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Businesses, regardless of the industry or size, require regular cash flow from their clients and the customer to pay their expenses, such as their employees' salaries and the utilities. That's why invoicing is a necessity. Without these bills, you won't be compensated for the services rendered or products sold, which in turn means that you won't be able to handle your expenses.

This may sound logical, but almost 1 out of every 4 invoices sent is sent without a due date. If you haven't been paid within 90 days, only 18% of those invoices get paid. Review: TOP 30 Time Billing Tools Compared. Minimize errors. Invoice errors can cause mistrust and confusion between you and your clients. New stimulus bill update: Important things happening now, including a $1,400 check. Congress is working on the details of President Biden's $1.9 trillion stimulus package with $1,400 checks.

However, your invoice is only as good as the 'payment terms and conditions' that you include. Without them, you aren't clearly communicating when payment is expected, as well as other conditions like your preferred payment method, incentives for early payments, and consequences of late payments.

  1. Make invoicing and billing painless for your small business with FreshBooks. A top-rated invoice and accounting software for self-employed professionals and small businesses, Freshbooks offers a fast, easy, and secure way of crunching numbers so companies can focus on doing the work they love.
  2. 5.2.4 Example 4 - Revenue Recognition and Invoicing with Reconciliation. Many companies do not want a variance between invoice and recognized revenue amounts. In this case, the revenue and receivable amounts are accrued estimates. The actual revenue.

Additionally, payment terms can be used to help businesses receive payments on a predictable schedule. When you have this fixed payment schedule, you can easily create a budget and make financial forecasts so that you prevent any cash flow problems.

In other words, the success of your business may depend on the invoice payment terms that you create when sending out invoices.

Here are the ten most relevant invoicing and payment terms:

1. Terms of Sale

These are the payments terms that you and the buyer have agreed on. Terms such as cost, amount, delivery, payment method, and when the payment is expected or due. These are also the essential components of any invoice.

In short, it's the expectations between the buyer and seller so that there won't be any potential misunderstandings nor disagreements because both parties clearly know what is expected and they are satisfied with the requirements.

Terms of sale are particularly important in international trade since it covers when shipping occurs, who is responsible for international duties and taxes, and any other factors that have been established by the international chamber of commerce regulations.

2. Payment in Advance

Payment in advance, PIA for short, is simply a payment that is made ahead of schedule. It's not uncommon for business owners to require advance payments for their products or services. For example, a freelance graphic designer may need a 50% down payment before starting a project. Advances protect sellers against non-payments and to cover any out-of-pocket expenses.

For example, a freelance graphic designer may require a 50% down payment before starting a project. Advances protect sellers against non-payments and to cover any out-of-pocket expenses they require to accomplish the project.

3. Immediate Payment

This term, which is associated with 'Cash on Delivery' (COD) or 'Payable on Receipt,' means that a payment is due at the same time as a product or service is delivered. If the client doesn't make the payment immediately — whether by credit card, e-check, wire transfer, or online service payment — the seller has the right to repossess the goods of intellectual property.

While this term is beneficial for the business owner since it speeds-up the payment process, it's unpopular among some clients and customers since they're afraid that they won't have the cash to cover the bill.

4. Net 7, 10, 30, 60, 90

These imply that the net payment is due in either 7, 10, 30, 60, or 90 days after the invoice date. For example, if the invoice was dated June 10 and you used one of the most used payment terms, Net 30, then the payment would be expected before July 9.

Because this term can be confusing to both accounts payable teams and clients alike, it's suggested that you use a term that is more clear, such as, 'Days' instead of 'Net.' Furthermore, to keep your cash flow positive, use shorter terms like, 'Please make payment within 10 days.'

5. 2/10 Net 30

A term such as 'Net 30' requires the client or customer to make a payment within 30 days. However, if they make a payment within ten days, they'll receive a 2% discount. Of course, you can change these terms as you like. For example, you could sweeten the incentive by offering a 5% discount if the invoice is paid within a week.

To receive a greater response, however, rephrase this term so that it doesn't confuse the client. A simple phrase like, 'Please pay within 10 days and save 2 percent' will make the offer perfectly clear and concise.

6. Line of Credit Pay

This payment option gives the client the opportunity to settle their bills over a period of time — typically on a monthly or quarterly basis. In other words, it's allowing the customer to purchase a product or service on credit. This is more commonly used among larger companies and not small-to-medium sized businesses because of the risk involved, as well as its ability to decrease your cash flow.

Bill 2 5 4 – Invoicing Made Painless And Functions Worksheet

7. Quotes & Estimates

This is simply the purposed price for your goods or services. This ballpark figure is commonly used when a client is comparing prices. While this isn't the final amount that you're going to bill the client, it should still include invoicing essentials like the price of your products or service, an itemized breakdown of how you've determined the price, and a time schedule of when the final goods or services will be delivered. Most invoicing platforms allow you to painlessly convert your quote or estimate into an invoice.

8. Recurring Invoice

As we've explained previously, recurring invoices are for ongoing services, such as landscaping or web hosting, and are typically for the same amount each month, like for a membership or subscription. Recurring invoices guarantee cash flow for your business, makes forecasting a breeze, and saves you time from having to invoice clients each month. This monthly payment erases some of the uncertainty and makes your life easier.

9. Interest Invoice

What are the consequences when a client doesn't pay the invoice on-time? One of the most common solutions is to charge interest or fees on the invoice. Remember, when calculating the interest on late payment you're only charging for the number of days that the payment is past due.

For example, if you charge a 6% interest rate and the invoice for $1,500 is 20 days late then you divide 20 by 365. Then multiply that result by .06 and finally multiply that figure by 1,500. The interest charge would come out to $4.93 for the 20-day period.

With that in mind, an interest invoice is not only a reminder of a past due payment, it's an invoice that contains the relevant interest charges and a payment date to settle the payment.

Resend these invoice every month and adjust the calculation so that will reflect the additional days past due.

10. Invoice Factoring

What if a client hasn't paid your invoice and you're in desperate need of cash? You could consider invoice factoring.

This is where you hand over your invoice to an invoice factoring company. You'll receive an 85% advance upfront in as little as one day. Keep in mind that these companies will charge you a fee, so make sure that you read the fine print.

A company like BlueVine charges a fare 0.5 % fee per week and will even allow your clients to continue to make payments under your business' name.


When thinking about your terms of payment, remember to always be polite, keep the terms short and clear, offer incentives for early payments, interest rates for late payments, and offer a variety of payment process options.

Bill 2 5 4 – Invoicing Made Painless And Functions Pdf

Remember, when you have clear, specific, and consistent payment terms you can increase the chances of getting your invoice paid-on-time – which is what your goal is in the first place and is always great for your cash flow.

No matter the size of your business, sorting out your accounts receivable (AR) department is as fun as going to the dentist. The same goes for your invoicing and billing process. The invoicing and billing process of an SMB might be as small and primitive as a one-man-show that's run manually. Or it may have many moving parts that need to work together effectively. Regardless of the size, one thing is certain: cashflow is king. If you are wondering how to improve your billing process flow, read on.

Why is the invoicing and billing process important?

Let me explain. Your billing and invoicing process is, essentially, the heartbeat of your operation. Cash is the blood that keeps you moving forward every day. Hence, it's critical that you ensure an effective and streamlined billing process. This is inherent and obvious to all business owners and managers. Still, few of these operators actually take action to improve, streamline, or ensure the efficacy of their accounts receivable department. And there is almost always room for improvement.

Basic, simplistic invoicing, billing, and collection procedures can be both effective and inexpensive. Yet the key is to maintain careful attention to and consider the details of your billing process flow. Rather than hiring excess employees or buying sophisticated software, a smoothly operating customer invoicing process is built with a little elbow grease and some know-how.

Fortunately, getting your invoicing and billing process to a place of stability is not terribly difficult, whether you're a freelancer or you're managing a larger outfit. Rather, it's a matter of developing systems that work well without micromanagement.

So where does a business owner start, and how can you improve your customer invoicing and billing process? Let's see tested advice on where you should begin with your small business invoicing and billing strategy preparation.

Communicate Clearly

Contrary to what many business owners and managers may believe, your invoicing and billing process begins well before your invoices are even created. In fact, the initial steps of your billing process start to come together as soon as you begin talking specific details with a client. The terms of your service are integral to creating a smoothly running and efficient accounts receivable department. You typically discuss these issues at the first meeting with a new client. So there are some systems you need to have in place for preparing new clients for your billing process.

First and foremost, as an SMB providing a service, whether you are B2B or B2C, you should always get a deposit at the beginning of a new contract. Requesting a deposit starts you off on the right foot in a number of ways.

Ιnitial deposits show clients that you take your work (and payment!) seriously. If a client is late or difficult about paying theirs, you know what you can expect for future payments. And whether or not the client is worthwhile. Also, deposits do wonders for improving the security and reliability of your cash flow, while mitigating the potential non-payment.

Most important of all, make sure your communication is not just verbal.

Use Contracts

A verbal contract, while technically binding, isn't worth much in a court of law or a business environment. So, it's imperative that you use contracts for all services and with all clients. There are so many benefits to using clear, detailed contracts that it's a wonder that so few businesses utilize these important documents. Especially considering how relatively inexpensive they are to produce. Plus, there is no real downside to using them.

When you use contracts you can clearly dictate the terms and particulars of your billing and invoicing process. Be it due on receipt, Net 10, Net 30, or Net 45. The specifics of your payment requirements will depend heavily on your industry and business. Whatever they are though, they should be consistent.

Contracts also help to protect you from non-payment and late payments. As well as allow you to detail out discounts and fees for clients who pay early or late. Utilizing a reward and fee structure, and one that is clearly explained in a contract and enforced, will help you preserve the consistency of your cash flow and client billing process.

Organize Your Invoicing and Billing Process

There are a seemingly infinite number of ways to organize your invoicing and billing process. What matters most is that you are organized and consistent in however you choose to operate your billing. An effective accounts receivable setup can be managed with as little as a simple spreadsheet and Paypal. Or it can make use of complex automation software, such us Elorus, third parties, and multiple employees.

Whether you require simplicity or a more complex and detailed accounts receivable department is entirely dependent on the size and nature of your business.

Whether you have one client or 100, manage your billing process in exactly the same way for all clients. Put systems in a place where everything is documented and accounted for, and every step of your billing process flow is uniform. Consistency and careful documentation of everything will ensure that no invoices are lost, forgotten, or unpaid. Plus, reconciling all accounts will become a much simpler task.

Automate Everything

While your business may not necessitate a simple invoicing and billing automation software like Elorus, you should always be looking toward automation in your business. Every automated task, in whichever department, saves time, money, or both. You can automate your customer invoicing process using excel spreadsheet functions and automated payment reminders. Or they can be full-on automation. The level of automation that makes sense for your business depends on your size and industry. Yet some level of automation should always be in place.

When looking toward automation, first consider the most tedious, repetitive, and time-consuming tasks. These tasks burn through the most payroll, and they are often the ones with the most automation options available.

Elorus, for instance, offers a recurring invoicing feature to save you time from repetitive tasks by setting up rules with just a few clicks!

Go Paperless

Realistically, there is no reason not to go paperless. Thanks to email, online payment solutions, and the many technological advancements in AR software, every industry conceivable can operate more efficiently and effectively without paper. Also, going paperless can earn your industry some benefits for being 'green'.

Nowadays, people are much more cognizant of their email than their snail-mail. Besides, allowing clients to make payments electronically makes the process much simpler. Customers now know how to process invoices for payment online, and they actually prefer it! They will thank you by paying more promptly. At the bare minimum, clients should have the ability to have their transactions be paperless.

Be Consistent

There is no greater step toward a simple, fast, and effective client billing process than maintaining a high level of consistency. First, a consistent process allows for faster actual work through repetition. Secondly, it makes it easier to identify problem clients, issues with billing, and other ways to improve your systems.

Bill 2 5 4 – Invoicing Made Painless And Functions Diagram

Also, a consistent (read: professional) billing process is the best way to show clients that you, well, mean business. All invoices should be clear, organized, detail, and branded.

If a client receives unclear documentation from you, they will not take the business seriously. You want to represent the highest level of professionalism at all times. Consistency is requisite to doing so. The effort, time, and knowledge required to create an effective customer invoicing and billing process are easier to achieve than what most people expect.

Pay attention to these specific areas to have an AR setup that requires very little effort, time, or money. All this while increasing your total cash flow!

About the Author:

Nicholas Milewski is an entrepreneurial freelancer and digital nomad, with a diverse background in small business and management. His writing has been featured by the likes of Investors Business Daily, Business Insider, and many others.

Bill 2 5 4 – Invoicing Made Painless And Functions Except

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